JUST HUMAN- Just stop attending period. If you're not giving anyone account of your actions anyway- just totally go rogue and get off the JW /elder radar by not having any communication whatsoever with your former elders, congregation - anything ! No need to get a card from them or anything ! Like Paul Simon said in " 50 Ways to leave your lover " - " just drop off the key lee, and set yourself free ! " Easy as that.
Yes that! Well said Flip. I plainly told them all they can just go fuck themselves during a JC meeting letting them know they have no authority over me. I couldn't be any other way once I found out it was all bull shit.
Anyway that's where I'm coming from and I don't expect other to follow what I did, but the need for a more cautious leaving I recognize for our circumstances all are different. I'm all for diminishing as much control from this evil organization as possible in what ever way works best for the individual.